
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Modern Friction Exfoliator by Origins

This is the first in a series of reviews I will be doing on Origins products. I just really love Origins and their products! I hope this review is helpful for someone out there. Thanks for reading! this is an exfoliate which you put on your skin if your skin is dry. i use it when i'm already in the shower but you can also use it by wetting your face and then applying the scrub. it's very rough on your skin and could irritate you but i recommend this product for getting the dead skin off. when i use it my skin is softer and it glows more. modern friction stays for a long time you only have to use it twice a week. it's best to use it with an Origins toner and moisturizer (which i have). a little goes a long way for this product all i had to apply my first use was just a little in my hands. this is a really good organic product which is one of the best things about Origins. I love Origins products..esp when they have teh free with purchse items...I use this product and  it does make your face feel smooth esp when you follow it with the face favorite scrub in the world: Origins Modern Friction Exfoliator!

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